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Graphical allocation to business entities
With NuboLink, we make it very easy to link cloud resources to business entities. We even automate the process when you deploy new resources, so you don't have to bother about that.
Budgets at the business level
Instead of having budgets at the subscription, resource group or resource level, with NuboBudget we allocate them to business entities.
Graphical topology of your cloud
We give you a graphical representation of your cloud topology, and you can instantly see where the problem areas are by using easy to understand colors and action cards.
Easily involve colleagues to solve issues
The number of users that have access to the Nubovi portal is unlimited. We make it really easy to involve colleagues from finance, business leaders and cloud engineers to have a look with you and take action.
We show amortized costs
We always show amortized costs, even when you have paid for reservations up front. That way you will always see the actual costs.
Break-even points for reservations
We accurately calculate break-even points for reservations, so that you can see when you are going to start saving money.
No footprint in your cloud
The only thing you'll need to do during onboarding is allocate read-only roles to the Nubovi Reader. It's a 15 minutes setup and you're ready go!
Compare your cloud score with your peers
With NuboScore you will see how efficient your cloud environment is, and we even compare that to your peers in the same industry.
We keep it simple and self-learning
It's easy to build software that can do everything. But it's very tough to build software that needs little configuration and still be awesome! Low maintenance is key. We want you to be successful, without spending lots of time on this.