Recognize any of this?

  • "We have migrated to Azure successfully, but are spending more than anticipated."

  • "Our cloud solutions are loved by the business, but they are not aware of the associated cost."

  • "Our Azure spend forecast is ever increasing. We don't know if this is justifiable."

  • "We have no good insights in our cloud spend, and certainly not in savings opportunities."

  • "We don't want to monitor monitors, just give us proactive, actionable information."

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Meet Nubovi

The only cloud spend monitor that makes sense!

Nubovi makes cloud spend monitoring and management easy, without having to spend a lot of time or effort on it. So that you can focus more on innovation and business value.

Our Cloud FinOps SaaS solution helps business leaders, CFOs and CIOs to allocate spend to value streams or business processes and create and monitor budgets based on forecasts. At the same time it helps IT Managers improve cost efficiency. Through the use of AI, we automatically transform raw usage data into actionable information. Additionally, we automatically keep track of the latest updates from your cloud providers, relieving you of that concern.

We help you become more successful & sustainable, improve cloud ROI and decrease your IT eco footprint.

The value we deliver

With our Augmented FinOps solution we focus on delivering real value to your business. So that your organization will show better results from cloud usage. Right now we are fully focused on Microsoft Azure, but very soon we will add support for Microsoft's SaaS solutions such as Office 365, Power Platform and Dynamics 365, so that you will have complete control over all your Microsoft subscriptions.

By getting real business insights and improving the efficiency of your cloud resources you will be able to improve your cloud ROI.

The core value we deliver focuses on these 3 areas:

  • Insights for business leaders

    Instead of analyzing endless detailed, raw cloud spend data yourself, you get real information, directly at your fingertips. Correlated to your business processes and key performance indicators.

  • Become a FinOps team

    Acting on the Nubovi recommendations for increasing efficiency and lowering cost is made easy. We provide your FinOps team(s) with simple instructions on how to improve and become more successful.

  • Easy cost allocation

    Nubovi makes it real easy to allocate cost to business units, departments, projects or value streams. This way, the business becomes more responsible for cloud spend and the ROI of your cloud investments.

Our core features

We deliver the promised value by providing the following innovative features:

The main dashboard

This is the main dashboard of Nubovi, where you can instantly see how you are doing and progressing on cloud spend and savings, including the forecast.

It also shows your cloud (efficiency) score and the average score of your peers in the same industry.

Organizing cloud resources

Nubovi helps organize your cloud resources and links them to business processes, giving you the exact insights a business owner needs.

It gives your IT manager easy to start missions to help improve the cost efficiency of your resources.

Monitoring budgets

Budgeting your cloud spend has never been so easy! With Nubovi, you can set monthly, quarterly or yearly budgets at the business process level.

You can easily see per period, how well you are doing versus budget, and the process owner will get alerts.

Our USPs

How do we differentiate from our peers? Here's the top 3:

  • Focus on the business

    We have an intense focus on customer value and won't bother you with technical details when not necessary. We help you improve business and sustainability.

  • Insights instead of data

    Using advanced machine learning models we help you gain insights related to cloud spend and predict the future. We correlate that to your business processes.

  • Self-learning

    Our solution learns from you, your peers and your cloud provider automatically and applies that knowledge to further improve your insights continuously.

Start right away?

Nubovi subscriptions are based on your monthly cloud bill. During onboarding, which will only take 15 minutes, we will install absolutely nothing in your cloud environment, we only need read-only secure access to cloud meta data. Within days you'll have your first insights.

Select a monthly subscription that matches your organization.

For XXL subscriptions (monthly cloud bill more than 200K) please contact us for a quote.